Department Duties

The Planning Department is responsible for the review of all applications, special planning studies and updates to the Comprehensive Plan and the Gorham Land Use and Development Code

Planning staff provides professional and technical advice to elected officials, appointed committees, other town departments, and citizens; and works with those who require assistance with the planning and development process, the Gorham Land Use and Development Code, and applicable standards and policies.  The Planning Department processes all applications for land use development that require Planning Board review.  Depending on the required review threshold, some projects can be reviewed administratively by staff while the more complex development projects must be reviewed by the Planning Board.

Planning Department applications are available online and hard copies are available in the Planning Department.  An explanation of the submissions process is with the Applications.  Parcel data is required for the completion of all applications; therefore the Assessing Department provides an Online Database for parcel information which can be accessed if the address or owner(s) name, and/or map & lot number are known.  Staff is pleased to provide efficient and professional assistance to the public.

Also available online are Estimators that calculate density for Standard Subdivisions and Development Transfer Overlay Subdivisions, a Cost Estimating Form that summarizes development quantities and costs for Performance Guarantees associated with development, the agendas for upcoming site walks, meetings, meeting results and approved minutes of previous Planning Board meetings.